Lowongan kerja Metro TV Juni 2010 Fresh Graduate

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Lowongan kerja di Metro TV batas lamaran 29 bulan Juni 2010 Jakarta lulusan s1 Fresh Graduate

PT. Media Televisi Indonesia was granted a broadcasting licence for Metro TV on October 25, 1999. It is a subsidiary of the Media Group, headed by Surya Paloh, the company’s President Director, who was a wealth of experience in the local media industry and is the publisher of Indonesia’s third largest national newspaper. Media Indonesia. From a start up work force of 280 employees the company now employs more than 900 people, mostly in the newsroom and production areas.

Inviting young workers and dynamic professional to fill the position:

1. Journalist Development Program (Jakarta Raya)

Camera Face
Fluent English : TOELF 500
Interested in Journalistic
Maximum age 26 years old
Hold S1 or Student of the last semester
IPK minimum 3.00

Click Here For Apply

2. Account Executive Development Program (AEDP) (Jakarta Raya)

Maximum age 26 years old
Bachelor Degree from Reputable University
Fresh Graduate are welcome
Having an interest in sales area
Good communication and negotiation skill
Owned a car (a must)

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