Lowongan Pekerjaan PHP Web/System Developer Juni 2010

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

Lowongan Pekerjaan PHP Web/System Developer Juni 2010 - We are the growing Content Provider company in Indonesia and service company looking for Java programmers with the talents, skills, and attitude to succeed.

You can browse our company profile here.

PHP Web/System Developer

* Strong web-based programming skills in PHP AND AJAX.
* Excellent knowledge in mySQL, HTML and Javascript.
* Obsessed with Web usability and a strong believer of Web 2.0 concept.
* Team Player and able to work independently with small supervision.
* Enthusiast to learn new technologies.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.

Send your Application & CV to email: lowongan@cometa-mobile.com

Job Location :: Jakarta Selatan

Job Type : : Full Time

Salary : : Negotiable

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